705 VP 48" X 100'

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SKU: CARL-322963
Brand: Carlisle


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Fire Resist 705 VP Air Barrier, manufactured by Carlisle Coatings and Waterproofing, is a composite membrane consisting of a breathable specially engineered film fully coated on one side with a permeable adhesive. The adhesive side of Fire Resist 705 VP has a silicone-coated release film, which is removed and discarded during installation. Fire Resist 705 VP is provided in rolls of various widths and will adhere firmly when pressed against the substrate. Fire Resist 705 VP membrane permits passage of water vapor, yet it performs as a barrier to air and liquid water.

Fire Resist 705 VP is designed for use in above-grade wall assemblies to function as an air- and water-resistive barrier. Fire Resist 705 VP can be applied over many common building materials including gypsum sheathing, foam sheathing, concrete masonry unit (CMU), concrete, wood, structural steel, metal flashings, aluminum extrusions and rigid PVC (i.e. pipe/conduit, window frames). Surface preparation with CCW-702 WB, CAV-GRIP™ o r T R A V E L-TA C K™ contact adhesive is generally required to promote consistent adhesion.

Features and Benefits

  • Composition and low fuel contribution enable use in many NFPA 285 Wall Assemblies.
  • Immediate rain resistance, including wind-driven rain, after installation
  • Printed facer provides easy product identification
  • Factory-controlled composition provides uniform coverage
  • Self-adhering membrane provides easy, reliable installation
  • No spray equipment or mil-thickness measurements required Breathable membrane allows passage of water vapor, permitting use in wall assemblies where a vapor barrier is not needed
  • Lightweight 4-ft. width rolls allow for fast and easy installation Airtightness allows for improved building performance
  • Fire Resist 705 VP is a warranted air barrier system from Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing

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